DEVKAP – Kiwanis Europe

How to motivate volunteers


When we look for new members, we often expect the same engagement as that of the current members. While people are different, their jobs are different, their families are different.

We also very often expect that people volunteer for the same reasons. But that’s not true.


In this webinar we take a look at different types of members, and different types of volunteers – what is engaging them, so that we can learn from that to recruit new members, to retain existing members and to keep our volunteers satisfied. 

Key learnings

  • Why do people volunteer?
  • Exchanges of motives
  • Different types of volunteers
  • New typology of members according motives
  • How to motivate volunteers?
  • How to recruit volunteers?
  • How to retain volunteers?

Target audience

  • Anyone in-or outside Kiwanis interested in our organization
  • Any Kiwanian who wants to take an initiative on growth 
  • Trainers that deliver online sessions




Interpreting is foreseen for Italian, French and German, so participants who don’t master English adequately will be able to switch to an audio channel with simultaneous translation.



You need to have the most rencent Zoom Client installed.

You will need a laptop or desktop to attend the training and your cell phone for using some Apps.

More info

You can enrol using the button below and you will receive an e-mail with more information including a Zoom link for this webinar.

You must first login or register using the button below before you can enrol.




19:30 - 21:00

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 09/Nov/2021
  • Time: 13:30 - 15:00
Event Type
QR Code

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