If you are a Kiwanian under 40 and want to contribute to defining the future of Kiwanis, save the date for the European Young Kiwanis Summit.
The average age of Kiwanis members is 63. next year it will be 64. Kiwanis is getting older and now it is time to rejuvenate!
Due to the pandemic, our previous edition in France needed to be cancelled, but now we are here again, with a new edition in Lisbon, Portugal!
The goal of this summit is to hear our younger members, to explore how they see the future of Kiwanis and how they plan to ensure succession and a bright future for our organization.
- To give Young Kiwanians a forum to share how they see rejuvenation in the organisation
- To give Young Kiwanians a space to propose new initiatives for rejuvenation
- To give Young Kiwanians the opportunity to get on stage and take responsibility
- To engage and recruit young volunteers who can take responsibility at district & European levels
- To promote “younger” approaches to Kiwanis membership (new types of clubs, MeetUps,…)
- To brainstorm on new ideas about how we can grow with younger people.
We are preparing several sessions and workshops:
- How to prepare Kiwanis for the future
- More trendy types of Kiwanis’ clubs for younger people
- Young people active in the local clubs
- MeetUps as a new club opening format with younger members
- Digital marketing of Kiwanis
- Innovative youth led social projects…
Aside from the formal sessions, we will of course also enjoy some teambuilding, a drink together, networking, and… enjoy Lisbon!
We are however limited to 30 people from the European districts and nations. If you are interested, please read the costs and what we cover, and then fill in the application form.
Filling in the application form is not yet a confirmation that you are enrolled. When you apply, you will receive a message stating whether your participation is confirmed, or if you are on the waiting list.
No interpreting is foreseen, so participants who don’t master English adequately are requested to foresee a Kiwanian friend who can translate simultaneously for them at their own home place while participating in the webinar.
Doubletree by Hilton, Lisbon, Portugal
The application process works easiest if you are logged in as a registered user of the Kiwanis Academy platform. You can login/register via this link. After login come back to this page, refresh this page and you will see the ENROL button instead.