Event type: Online meeting


    Goal / idea

    The purpose of this Kick off Webinar is to officially set in motion the Educational Weekend dedicated to European Governors-elect. During this online meeting the participants will have the occasion to get to know in advance the agenda of the entire course, as well as their facilitators. Given the opportunity, everyone can offer a snapshot of how they look to their own districts and describe their expected challenges on the role of the District Governor.

    Target audience


    European Governors-elect.

    The webinar will be held in English. Interpreting is foreseen for participants who don’t master English adequately. We urge you to request in advance an interpreter for the language of your choice.


    This webinar is by invitation only. If you feel that you should be included in this event, we invite you to send an email to Kiwanis Academy expressing your motivation.

    All further details including the registration link will be announced soon.

  • KI-E Event | EC & BM ZOOM

    KI-E Board and EC Meeting wil be held online in Zoom on the 17th of February 2024. All further details will be announced soon.


    Branding, Marketing & Communication

    Goal / idea

    After the first thematic Webinar on Membership, throughout which the participants were given the opportunity to obtain a brief introduction of the current situation in Europe, we invite you to engage this time in another thematic webinar regarding Branding, Marketing and Communication. 

    Key learnings

    • The key elements of Branding: the brand book, Kiwanis logos and fonts, etc.
    • The key elements of Marketing: tools in Europe, creating Kiwanis visibility in the local community.
    • The key elements of Communication: internal and external communication challenges, public speaking etc.

    Target audience


    European Governors-elect.

    The webinar will be held in English. Interpreting is foreseen for participants who don’t master English adequately. We urge you to request in advance an interpreter for the language of your choice.


    This webinar is by invitation only. If you feel that you should be included in this event, we invite you to send an email to Kiwanis Academy expressing your motivation.

    All further information including the registration form will be available soon.



    Goal / idea

    After the Kick off Webinar, throughout which the participants were given the opportunity to get to know each other, we invite you to engage this time in a thematic Webinar regarding Membership. In the course of this online meeting, the Governors-elect will be provided with a general overview of membership in their districts.

    Key learnings

    • Overview of the current membership situation in Europe.
    • Club opening in Europe
    • Member recruitment and club strengthening
    • Member retention
    • District growth plans

    Target audience


    European Governors-elect.

    The webinar will be held in English. Interpreting is foreseen for participants who don’t master English adequately. We urge you to request in advance an interpreter for the language of your choice.


    This webinar is by invitation only. If you feel that you should be included in this event, we invite you to send an email to Kiwanis Academy expressing your motivation.

    All further information including the registration form will be available soon.


    Online meeting with KI President Peter Mancuso and all European district governors every second Wednesday of the month.

    President Peter kindly asks that each governor schedule a call with lieutenant governors during the first week of the month to gather updates and come prepared for the governor call.

    All Governor calls are by invitation only. If you feel that you should be included in these sessions then send an e-mail to

    Kiwanis Academy and explain why you want to participate.

  • Celebrating the New Year


    Ring in for the New Year with a word from the European President 2021-22, Josef-Peter Schachermayr followed by a virtual drink.


    Join us on Zoom for an online drink, friends, and fun as we say hello to 2021-22.


    All interested Kiwanians are welcome to join the call.


    Meeting ID: 813 9693 5588

    Passcode: HAPPY2022

    • 19h30: Opening of Zoom line
    • 20h30: End of call

    For more info please visit the national website by clicking here.

  • KCF in Europe – what kind of project?

    About this Event

    In this meeting Bernard Altmann European KCF ambassador will explain why Kiwanis Children’s Fund is important even in Europe and he will show different projects and programs.